January 13, 2011

three months old

Thompson, you are three months old today! Everyone--and I mean everyone--told us how quickly time would pass once you arrived. And they were right! Your daddy and I think you are absolutely the happiest and sweetest baby on the planet. You wake up incredibly happy in the mornings, smiling and cooing at us when we come in to get you. You are sleeping for a 9- or 10-hour stretch at night, while still on a 3-hour feeding schedule during the day. Plus you’re a great napper!
You’ve started talking and smiling a lot more, and we LOVE it! The only time you really fuss or get upset is if you’re hungry. Otherwise, you are incredibly chill, and you’re very flexible and go with the flow. We think you weigh around 15 pounds...we don't know for sure because we won't go to the pediatrician again until your 4-month visit. You wear a size 2 diaper, and you are in 3-6 months and some 6-9 months clothing. I’ve already packed up a bin of clothes that you’ve outgrown that now resides in the attic.

I have started back to work, so Kiki stays with you two days a week. You’ve adjusted very well, and I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to work at home two days a week. You spend Fridays with Daddy, and he loves having you all to himself.
You love playing with the toys hanging above your play gym, and you're also a fan of your bouncy seat. But you're also just content to lie on our bed and look around the room! Daddy and I are so grateful for you, and we love you to pieces!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome Steph!! Love the 30 things list :) Looking forward to your blog world. Your family is just precious and blessed!
